Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First Day of February

first day of february
brings snow, ice, inner knowing
threes have never worked

on noah's huge ark
relationships based on trust
balance grows from heart

as lotus from mud
pearls, out of true grit of sand
one emerges strong

joy springs forward as
one can move, full well knowing
the cat did no wrong

calico knows she
can look in spotless mirror
laugh, cry, sing & dance

for the one presides
in waking, sleeping, dreaming
holds heaven on earth

praise the angels who
with harp, flute, enormous love
have blessed my being one

Kate Lamberg
Copyright, February 1 2011


  1. Beautiful poem. You bring meaning and grace to each and every day.

  2. so true and beautiful to see ones truth in held. Lovely, Kate.
