Saturday, February 20, 2010

Retreat for Healing and Creativity. Yoga Nidre. Saturday, February 20, 2010, 10 am- 1 pm.

Today, I will be offering my Monthly Retreat for Healing and Creativity. I will be focusing on Yoga Nidre-the ancient practice of deep relaxation, the state experienced just prior to sleep.

We will do gentle yoga, receive guided meditations, do "Deep Listening", where I simply play my soothing tunes on my baby grand piano. Everyone has the choice to either, sit upright, and meditate to the sounds, or lay down, in "corpse pose", deeply relaxing to the sounds.

Yoga Nidre, loosely translated, means dark night, or death yoga. Here, one strives to remain awake, yet so deeply relaxed, that one's thoughts are dimmed, quieted, to only a hush. One enters into a samadhi-like state. Senses, feelings, visualizations are as clear as finely cut crystal.
The facilitator might read a poem or just a few words, "A single pink rose in a blue vase", or "A golden bright star in a midnight sky". One becomes at one with the words and the sounds in this heightened, conscious, yoga nidre' state.
It is important to have an experienced guide, to lead one into this powerful state, and to gently bring one back to the mind's ordinary daytime consciousness.

Afterwards, quiet, journaling one's feelings and perceptions of the experience is suggested.
If moved, participants share their journey, through spoken word, a song, dance or a drawing.
Since one can move into very light, airy states of consciousness, grounding is urged as well.
Gentle yoga, movement, chanting is the next natural step.
Sharing a meal,silently, with the spirit of gratefulness, within the community is a lovely ritual to end the retreat.

Of course, we carry the experience of balance, peace, and joy throughout our day. We become a light of inspiration to others, as we walk this yogic path.
"this path that opens up my soul"

Namaste, to you and to yours!
Rosha Kate

For further Information on this retreat and retreats in the future, kindly email, or call: 631-334-2663

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