Monday, January 11, 2010

We think things, and then they come to be.

A beautiful cold, yet sunny morning. Lately, I have been waking up, on my own, about an hour before sunrise. I make my coffee, get things ready to write, and voila..the sun is rising. Each time this happens, I feel like I am living in a dream. An almost magical, mystical vibration enters into my soul and my living space. I am changed for it. It isn't the same as "happy", where the conditions dictate my mood. It is more that my sensitive being needs the basic things:sleep, morning coffee;then, I open myself to all the variables in the universe, to join with me in my morning creative expressions.
The thought, "we think something, and then the action occurs", is so true.
If we acted, and then thought about it, we would be in a constant state of apologizing! It IS OK, but I prefer the tried and true(tested in my laboratories).
We are free to think anything, and thoughts are powerful. So, better make them good thoughts. Meditation trains us to be aware of all the thoughts:the confusing and the clear ones. The more we place ourselves in unity with our own bare selves, the more we can readily receive our friends with an organic integrity.

Whatever the ailment, positive affirmations not only work to turn things around, they seem to be the only real alternative to suffering. Telling one's cells, that the tennis elbow, the migraine, the lowback soreness is trying to tell one what he or she needs to look at in his or her life, is freeing and puts the responsiblity back in our hands. Very often low back pain mimicks our low grade fear of not making enough money. Ankle, wrist ailments may be expressing the place within us, where we are not flexible. Then, say, "I am flexible in all my interactions today, both with others and with myself".

I think and feel I will be having a wonderful, productive, heart warming, connecting, connective, creative day. And I will. It is that simple.
Blessings to all who choose to think bright, positive thoughts. We are creating a cavern of light the size of the world. Breathe in the wonder!

With Love and Gratitude,
Rosha Kate

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